Complaints and Discipline

Click above for a list of all Disciplinary Actions since 2006, all HYPERLINKS in red are clickable and will navigate you to corresponding settlement agreements.

Every discipline case is considered separately by the Board and multiple factors can affect the final disposition. The facts listed are for summary information only. The Board is not bound by previous decisions and no single case establishes Board Policy.


If you have information regarding a violation of the Engineers and Surveyors Practice Act or Rules and Regulations you should notify the Board and/or file a complaint. Instructions on how to file a complaint can be found by clicking on the Complaint Chronology link below. You may refer to the Practice Act and the Board’s Rules and Regulations under the Publications tab. Your complaint must be in writing and addressed to the Board Office. Following is a complaint form provided by the Board. [Form here] - form must be downloaded and opened in Word.

Additional information such as letters, copies of any maps, plats, permits, reports, etc. that show evidence of a violation is extremely helpful.

Complaint Chronology