E-week 2023
National Engineers Week (#eweek2023) matches licensed professional engineers with 3rd grade students throughout Wyoming. Together they bring engineering to life with hands-on engineering activities that inspire problem solving and innovative thinking.
February 20-24, 2023
The 2023 event will engage 3918 students in 217 classes from 81 schools in 17 counties participating with
119 engineer volunteers from 72 firms!
CEPS student ambassadors made and shipped or delivered over 3000 kits!
Only possible because of our generous sponsors:
Volunteers and Participants:
Aaron Spenny
Alan Corey
Alin Cortez
Amanda Miller
Andrew Elston
Andy Hooten
Anthony MacDonald
Ben Weaver
Benjamin Bonnet
Benjamin Nemec
Benjamin Willis
Brenda Green
Brenda Green
Brendan Thoman
Brennan Ruth
Brock LaBonde
Bryan Gray
Bryce Dorr
Carol Martinson
Carter Baxter
Chad Forsman
Chad Lockman
Chris Hill
Christie Roberts
Christina Hiegel
Christofer Lovas
Christopher James Walker
Clifford Spoonemore
Cody Skinner
Cody Woods
Cole Wright
Craig Shavlik
Dan Cooley
Dan Kerbs
Dan Mummert
Daniel Hayes
Dave Bumann
Davis Alden
Dayne Bradley
Dylan Wade
Gene Legerski
Gordon F Shinkle
Greg Shavlik
Harrison Carter
Harry E. Hughes, PE
Ian Morrison
Jack de Ryk
Jacob Sphatt
James Brough
James G Kowalski
James Harlan
Jared Beck
Jason Ditton
Jennifer Russell
Jera Likely
Jessica Klein
Jill Rosselott
Jim Gores
Jim Staebler
Joana Olsen
Joe Hall
John Turner
Jolene Baker
Jon Walker
Jonathan Katchmar
Joseph (Joe) A Gulino
Justin Loyka
Kasey Jones
Kelly Erickson
Kelsey Johnson
Ken Brockman
Kenneth Mitchell
Krista Johnston
Kristen Stocks
Kyle Lehto
Lee Ann Reiter
Lloyd Thomas
Lou Harmon
Mark Madsen
Mark Westenskow
Marshall Moore, PE
Matt Olsen
Meghan Higgins
Michael Hand
Mike Doherty
Nathaniel Miner
Nolan A ONeal
Peter Melander
Quentin Rogers
Quillan Reed
Rebecca Podio
Rob Gerrard
Shantel Smith
Skylor Wade
Stuart Telford
Taylor LaForce
Terry Skinner
Terry Skinner
Tiffany Scott
Tom Cassidy
Vanessa Hoene
Will Hensel
William Harvey
Zach St Jean
Zack Meek
Zyg Samiec
Ayres Associates
Campbell County
Cedarville Engineering Group
CES Engineering Services MT, LLC
Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities
City of Casper
City of Green River
City of Riverton
Civil Engineering Professionals Inc
Coffey Engineering
Dan Brown & Associates
DCI Engineers
Department of Environmental Quality - Water & Wastewater District Engineer
Dominion Energy
Dwel, Inc.
Engineer Design Associates
Engineering Associates
Ghost Solutions LLC
Great West Engineering
Griz Creek Engineering
HDR Engineering, Inc
Inberg-Miller Engineers
JAG Engineering, LLC
James Gores and Associates
Jorgensen Associates
Jorgensen Association/Jorgensen Geotechnical
Kirkwood Oil and Gas
KL&A, Inc.
Lovas Engineering, PC
Martin/Martin Wyoming
Mountain States Consulting Services
NCS Vacutech
The Nature Conservancy
Orso Oil & Gas Consulting, LLC
Owl Creek Engineering, LLC
Powder River Energy Corporation
Providence Engineering and Environmental
RockSol Consulting Group
Samuel Engineering, Inc.
Self Employed (Retired Senior Executive, ExxonMobil)
Stantec Consulting Services Inc
State of Wyoming
State of Wyoming Water Development
Stocks Consulting
Sunrise Engineering
Sunshine Valley Petroleum
Sweetwater County
Terracon Consultants
Thunder Basin Coal Company, LLC
Trihydro Corporation
University of Wyoming
US Bureau of Reclamation retired
UW CEPS Civil Engineering Major
UW CEPS Electrical Engineering Major
UW CEPS Engergy Systems Engineering Major
UW CEPS Math Major
UW CEPS Mechanical Engineerin Graduate Student
Western EGI
William H. Smith and Associates
WWC Engineering
Wyoming Water Development Office
Y2 Consultants
Afflerbach Elementary
Anderson Elementary
Baggs Elementary
Bar Nunn
Beitel Elementary
Big Piney Elementary
Buffalo Ridge
Carpenter Elementary
Cloud Peak Elementary
Davis Elementary
Deming Elementary
Desert View Elementary
Dildine Elementary
Douglas Intermediate
Fairview Elementary
Fort Caspar Academy
Gannett Peak Elementary
Glenn Livingston
Goins Elementary
Green River
Henry A Coffeen
Highland Park Elementary
Hobbs Elementary
Indian Paintbrush
Jackson Elementary
Kaycee School
Laramie Montessori Charter
Lincoln Elementary
Linford Elementary
Little Snake River Valley Elementary
Livingston Elementary
Meadowlark Elementary
Meeteetse Schools
Northpark Elementary
Paradise Valley Elementary
Park Elementary
Pinedale Elementary
PIoneer Park Elementary
Prairie Wind Elementary
Pronghorn Elementary
Ralph Witters Elementary
Rawlins Elementary
Rock Springs
Saddle Ridge
Sage Elementary
Sagewood Elementary
Saratoga Elementary
Shoshoni Elementary
Slade Elementary School
Snowy Range Academy
South Side Elementary
Southside Elementary
Spring Creek
St. Anthony’s Tri-Parish Catholic
St. John Paul II Catholic
St. Mary’s
Stagecoach Elementary
Sundance Elementary
Sunrise Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Ten Sleep
Tongue River Elementary
Trinity Lutheran
Truman Elementary
Urie Elementary
UW Lab School
Wagonwheel Elementary
Walnut Elementry
Washington Elementary
Westside Elementary
Wind River Elementary
To participate next year or for any questions regarding eweek please contact:
Cindy Jones, Ph.D., Program Manager, Engineering Outreach CEPS University of Wyoming @
E-week 2022
Begins with a bang as the Governor's Proclamation of Professional Engineers Week is signed!
On February 16, 2022, students participated in the Engineers Week Proclamation signing with Governor Gordon.
Thank you Wyoming Professionals of 2022
Third graders across Wyoming will work hand in hand with professional engineers as part of the nationwide DiscoverE Engineer’s Week (EWeek) February 21-25, 2022. Since Wyoming’s EWeek began in 2015, the event has become a highlight in elementary classrooms. EWeek 2022 will match over 100 professional engineers with over 3120 of Wyoming’s 3rd grade students. During the event, professional engineers guide hands on activities which engage students in learning opportunities that teach fundamental engineering principles while inspiring problem solving and innovative thinking.
EWeek Wyoming is a collaborative effort with the University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Applied Science (UWCEAS), Wyoming Engineering Society, Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors, the DiscoverE organization, and Union Wireless.
None of this would be possible without the generous sponsorship of Andy and Kim Krieger, UW Alumni, and Union Telephone of Wyoming. The CEAS wishes to extend their sincerest appreciation for supporting this important outreach effort and helping to inspire the next generation of engineers.
Aaron Spenny
Abby Labahn
Alan Corey
Alex Sveda
Alin Cortez
Amanda Miller
Amol Bhavsar
Andrea Taylor
Andrew Elston
Andy Hooten
Beau Hill
Ben Weaver
Benjamin Nemec
Benoit Cordoba
Blake Nichols
Brandt Lyman
Brenda Green
Brendan Thoman
Brent Bennett
Brent Helms
Brian Gray
Brian Rentner
Brianna Tobin
Brock Roberts
Burt Andreen
Cara Keslar
Carter Baxter
Chad Forsman
Chad Lockman
Chris Hill
Christina Hiegel
Christopher Stockman
Cody Woods
Cole Wright
Craig Shavlik
Dan Kerbs
Dan Mummert
Daniel Hayes
David L. Ewing
Drew Pitt
Dylan Wade
Emily Bauder
Gareth Powell
Greg Shavlik
Harrison Carter
Harry E. Hughes, PE
Ian Morrison
Jacob Wright
James G Kowalski
Jason Ditton
Jeff Fuller
Jera Likely
Jessica Klein
Jill Rosselott
Jill Rosselott
Joe Hall
Jolene Baker
Jordan Roberts
Joseph S Demidovich Jr
Josh Richardson
Justin Loyka
Kasey Jones
Kelby Wilkison
Kelly Erickson
Kelly Meyers
Kelsey Johnson
Krista Johnston
Kristen Stocks
Lance Hopkin
Leo Giangiacomo
Libby Bales
Lillian Freed
Lloyd Thomas
Lou Harmon
Mark Westenskow
Matt Olsen
Michael Doherty
Mikaela Bussell
Mike Brady
Mike Donnell, P. E.
Nicole Nielsen
Pete Spuler, PE.
Peter Melander
Quentin Rogers
Ryan Kobbe
Sabrina Hamner
Sean King
Shahid (Bobby) Rauf
Shane Noonan
Skylar Wade
Steve Bruce
Terry Skinner
Thomas Morneau
Tiffany Scott
Tony MacDonald
Will Hensel
William Bridges
William Harvey
William Nunn
Zack Meek
Zyg Samiec
Andreen Hunt Const. Inc
Augmented Reservoir Solutions LLC
Ayres Associates
Bridger Pipeline
Campbell County
City of Casper
City of Green River
City of Lander
Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc
Consulting Engineering Services, MT LLC
Bureau of Reclamation, previous - WLC
Devon Energy
Dominion Energy
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Encompass Energy Consulting
Engineering Associates
Engineering Design Associates
Extreme Petroleum Technology, Inc.
Forsgren Associates Inc
Ghost Solutions LLC
Inberg-Miller Engineers
JBW Consulting Engineers
Jorgensen Associates
Jorgensen Geotechnical
Kirkwood Oil and Gas
KLJ Engineering
Martin/ Martin Wyoming
MC Schaff
Nelson Engineering
Orso Oil & Gas Consulting, LLC
Owl Creek Engineering, LLC
Pickett and Associates
Powder River Energy Corp.
Pryor Mountain Engineering
Samuel Engineering, Inc.
Semtrain, LLC
SolTerra Engineering
Stantec Consulting Services Inc
State of Wyoming - Department of Environmental Quality
Stocks Consulting
Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners
T-O Engineers
Trihydro Corporation
Western Engineers & Geologists
Western Fuels-Wyoming, Inc.
Western Research and Development/Y2
4-J School
Ashgrove elementary
Bain Elementary School
Bar Nunn
Big Piney Elementary School
Buffalo Ridge
Burns Elementary School
Cloud Peak Elementary
Conestoga Elementary
Crest Hill Elementary
Deming elem.
Desert View Elementary
Douglas Intermediate School
Dry Creek Elementary
Fort Caspar Academy
Gannett Peak Elementary School
Gilchrist Elementary
Glenn Livingston Elementary School
Guernsey Sunrise Elementary
Highland Park
Hobbs Elementary
Holy Name Catholic School
Indian Paintbrush Elementary
Jackson Elementary
Laramie Montessori
Lincoln Elementary
Little Snake River Valley School
Martin Luther Grammar School
Meadowlark Elementary
Meeteetse Schools
Monroe Elementary
Moorcroft K8
Mountain View
Oregon Trail
Paradise Valley Elem
Park Elementary
Pine Bluffs Elementary School
Pinedale Elementary School
Prairie Wind Elementary School
Ralph Witters Elementary School
Rawlins Elementary School
Rocky Mountain Elementary School
Saddle Ridge
Sage Elementary
Saratoga Elementary School
Shoshoni Elementary
South Side
Southside Elementary
Spring Creek
St. John Paul II Catholic School
St. Mary’s
Stagecoach Elementary
Sundance Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Ten Sleep School
Tongue River Elementary
Truman Elementary
UW Lab School
Washington Elementary
Willow Creek Elementary
Woods Learning Center
E-week 2021
Thank you Wyoming Professionals of 2021
Professionals overcome Pandemic
E-Week 2021 looked a bit different this year for a number of reasons. First being the COVID related impacts and social distancing guidance. But that did not stop the 61 Professional Engineers (PEs) that problem solved their way through the challenge. For some, this meant incorporating an exciting new activity, “The Lorax-Engineers Speak for the Trees.” This virtual activity allowed many schools to participate in the 2021 event when they otherwise would have been required to skip the 2021 event. Reports from those schools indicate the new activity was well received! Overall, the PEs and teachers brought engineering to life for 101 3rd grade classrooms across Wyoming. Whether they live-streamed or presented in-person, the PEs showed up! Many PE’s took on multiple classrooms and some at the same time. The virtual delivery allowed some PEs the chance to present to classrooms outside their home area. In total, 2,423 students were impacted!! The pictures below depict the many adaptations for the 2021 E-Week. Enjoy!!
Alan Corey
Alin Cortez
Allison Davis
Amanda Miller
Amol Bhavsar
Andrea Comer
Andrew Elston
Beau Hill
Benjamin Nemec
Brennan Ruth
Brian Gray
Brian Rentner
Brittany Darnell
Burt Andreen
Cara Keslar
Christina Paxton
Christofer Lovas
Cole Thomas
Cole Wright
Collin Fossen
Dan Kerbs
Daniel Hayes
Darbi Buckmiller
Darci Hendon
Dustin Woods
Eric Nunn
Harry Hughes
Ian Morrison
Jera Likely
Jessica Klein
Joana Olsen
Joe Roth
John Eddins
Jorden Schulte
Kaitlyn Stapp
Katie Creasey
Kelby Wilkison
Kelly Erickson
Krista Johnston
Lillian Freed
Louis Harmon
Mark Corbridge
Mark Westenskow
Marshall Moore
Matt Olsen
Matt Williams
Meghan A Higgins
Meghan Higgins
Michael Doherty
Michelle Edwards
Nadia Morris
Phillip Fessler
Quentin Rogers
Ray DeStefano
Ryan Kobbe
Skyler Helffrich
Tim Brugger
Tony MacDonald
Tyson Markham
Will Hensel
Zach St. Jean
Andreen Hunt Const., Inc.
Augmented Reservoir Solutions, LLC
AVI Engineering
Campbell County Government
City of Casper
City of Green River
Civil Engineering Professionals, Inc
Devon Energy
Dominion Energy
Engineering Associates
Engineering Design Associates
Grand Teton National Park
Inberg-Miller Engineers
JFC Engineers & Surveyors
KLJ Engineering
L&H Industrial
Martin/Martin Wyoming
Morrison- Maierle
Owl Creek Engineering, LLC
Powder River Energy (PRECorp)
SolTerra Engineering
Summit Engineering
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
T-O Engineers
Trihydro Corporation
UW CEAS Student Ambassadors
Western R&D LTD
WLC Engineering and Surveying
WYDOT Bridge Program / Cheyenne
Y2 Consultants
Afton Elementary School
Anderson Elementary
Arp Elementary
Ashgrove Elementary School
Bain Elementary School
Big Piney Elementary and
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
Carpenter Elementary
Centennial Valley School
Cloud Peak Elementary School
Coffeen Elementary
Crest Hill Elementary
Deming Elementary School
Desert View
Dildine Elementary
Douglas Intermediate School
Dry Creek
Dubois Elementary School
Gannett Peak Elementary
Glenn Livingston Elementary
Guernsey Sunrise Elementary
Highland Park Elementary
Jessup Elementary
John Paul II Catholic School
Kaycee Elementary School
LaBarge Elementary School
Laramie Montessori
Lincoln Elementary
Linford Elementary
Little Snake River Valley School
Meadowlark Elementary
Meeteetse Schools
Monroe Elementary School
Mountain View Elementary
Munger Mountain Elementary
Northpark Elementary
Paradise Valley Elementary
Park Elementary
Pine Bluffs Elementary School
Pinedale Elementary School
Prairie Wind Elementary
Pronghorn Elementary School
Ralph Witters Elementary
Rawlins Elementary School
Recluse School
Rocky Mountain Elementary
Rossman Elementary
Saratoga Elementary School
Shoshoni Elementary School
Southside Elementary
Spring Creek Elementary
St. Mary's Catholic School
Sundance Elementary
Sunset Elementary School
Tongue River Elementary
Washington Elementary
Willow Creek Elementary
Woodland Park Elementary
Woods Learning Center
E-week 2020
Thank you Wyoming Professionals of 2020!
This year 3,863 third graders in 203 classrooms in 83 schools learned from
105 engineers representing 54 firms!
Alin Cortez
Allan Corey
Amanda Miller
Amol Bhavsar
Andrea Taylor
Andy Hooten
Beau Hill
Billy Bright
Brandt Lyman
Brent Bennett
Bret Wolz
Brian Gray
Brian Rentner
Brock Roberts
Brooke Bulgrin
Burt Andreen
Cami Jackson
Cara Keslar
Chad Lockman
Chris Lovas
Christina Spindler
Cody Woods
Cole Wright
Craig Shavlik
Darci Hendon
Daryl LeFevre
David Applegate
David Fairbanks
David Repshire
Derrick Thompson
Drew Pitt
Emily Bauder
Fred Janssen
Geno Ferrero
Greg Shavlik
Harrison Carter
Harry Hughes
Ian Morrison
Jackie Carswell
Jake Wright
James Brough
Jason Linford
Jeff Brown
Jeff Feck
Jeff Fuller
Jera Likely
Jessica Klein
Jill Rosselott
Joe Hall
John Bonifer
Jon Nelson
Josh Morris
JR Eggleston
Justin Tatosian
Kasey Jones and Staff
Kelly Erickson
Ken Hodgen
Kristen Stocks
Kristy Waldron
Leo Giangiacomo
Lillian Freed
Lorehana Loredo
Louis Harmon
Margaret Morneau
Mark Ayen
Mark Corbridge
Mark Madsen
Mark Westenskow
Matt Olsen
Matt Selvig
Matt Williams
Megan Crow
Michael Hand
Mike Dougherty
Mike Robinson
Morgan Malkowski
Nancy Williams
Nate Benzel
Neal Neumiller
Nick Berling
Quentin Rogers
Raymond DeStefano
Richard Pribyl
Rob Gerard
Roberta Wells
Ryan Shields
Sara Bashir
Scott Brown
Scott Hecht
Scott Palmer
Steve Tait
Taylor Olson
Tiffany Scott
Tom Morneau
Tom Watson
Tony MacDonald
Vince Vogt
Will Hensel
William Bridges
Zach St. Jean
Aethon Energy
Arch Coal, Inc.
Augmented Resevoir Solutions, LLC
AVI Professional
Campbell County Public Works
Cardinal Health
Cepi-Cas WY Refining
City of Green River
CPG Engineering
Devon Energy
Dominion Energy
Engineering Associates
Extreme Petroleum Technology, Inc.
HDR Inc.
Inberg-Miller Engineers
JFC Engineers
Jorgensen Geotechnical, LLC
JTEC, Inc.
KLJ Engineering
L&H Industrial
Martin and Martin
MC2Engineering and Construction, P.C.
Mike Robinson LLC
Nelson Engineering
North Fork Engineering
Octagon Construction Group
Powder River Energy Corp
Pryor Mountain Engineering
Reservoir Solutions, LLC
SolTerra Engineering, Inc
Sunshine Valley Petroleum
T-O Engineers
Trihydro Corporation
Western Engineers and Geologists
WHS Engineering
WLC Engineering
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
WWC Engineering
Wyoming Completion Technologies
E-week 2019
E-Week 2019 Professional Engineers & Their Firms:
Adrienne Hahn
Alan Corey
Alin Cortez
Amanda Miller
Amol Bhavsar
Andrea Allen
Angie Schrader
Anthonly Barnett
Ansel Lee
Ben Weaver
Benjamin Nemec
Blake Jones
Brad Green
Braden Olson
Brandt Lyman
Brendan Thoman
Brent Bennett
Brian Gray
Brian Rentner
Burt Andreen
Carla Hester Croff
Carol Kinzer
Chad Lockman
Charlie Hagen
Chris Lovas
Chris Rumple
Collin Fossen
Colter Lane
Connor Desmond
Craig Shavlik
Dana Sander
Dennis Russell
Derrick Thompson
Eric Nunn
Ethan Yonker
Greg Shavlik
Isaac Finkle
Jacy Busboom
Jake Wright
Jason Linford
Jera Likely
Jeremy Tuck
Jill Rosselot
Jim Gores
Joe Hall
Jon Nelson
Josh Morris
Joshua Kilpatrick
Justin and Jody Smith
Justin Carlson
Karen Werner
Kasey Jones
Kassey Westring
Kelly Erickson
Kelsey Johnson
Ken Hodgen
Krista Johnston
Kristen Stocks
Kristy Waldron
Kyle Lehto
Kyle Turpin
Lance Marrs
Lisa Johnson
Lory Loredo
Mark Corbridge
Matt Burkhart
Matt Olsen
Matt Williams
Michael Dobler
Michelle Edwards
Mike Doherty
Mila Dunbar-Irwin
Miles Buckingham
Moriah Miller
Nick Berling
Paul Heintz
Quentin Johler
Rich Pribyl
Rob Gerrard
Robert Wilhelm
Roberta Wells
Sam Davis
Sandy Brown
Steven Vedder
Theresa Gunn
Tiffany Scott
Tom Axthelm
Tony MacDonald
Trevor Kanode
Uri Selby
Vince Vogt
Willie Bridges
Will Hensel
Zach St. Jean
Zack Meek
Andreen Hunt Construction
Augmented Reservoir Solutions, LLC
Campbell County Department of Public Works
City of Casper
Cloud Peak Energy
CPG Engineering
Elevation Structural Design
EMIT Technologies
Engineering Associates
Forest Service
Gores Engineers
HDR Inc.
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Inberg Miller
JFC Engineers
Jorgensen Associates
KLJ Engineering
L&H Industrial
Nelson Engineering
North Fork Engineering
Octagon Construction Group, Inc.
Pryor Mountain Engineering
Sinclair WY Refining
Square One
Strata, Inc.
Sunrise Engineering
T-O Engineers
University of Wyoming
Western Engineering
Western Engineers & Geologists
Western Wyoming Community College
WLC Engineering
WWC Engineering
Afton Elementary
Anderson Elementary
Arp Elementary
Bain Elementary School
Bar Nunn
Big Piney Elementary
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
Buffalo Ridge Elementary
Burns Elementary
Carpenter Elementary
Cloud Peak Elementary School
Crest Hill
Desert View Elementary
Douglas Intermediate
Dry Creek Elementary
Dubois K-12
Eastside Elementary
Fairview Elementary
Fort Caspar Academy
Gannett Peak Elementary
Gilchrist Elementary
Glenn Livingston Elementary
Guernsey Sunrise Elementary
Highland Park
Indian Paintbrush
Jackson Elementary
Journey Elementary
Kaycee School
La Barge Elementary School
Laura Irwin Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Little Snake River Valley School
Lusk Elementary and Middle School
Martin Luther Grammar School
Meadowlark Elementary
Meeteetse Schools
Monroe Elementary
Munger Mountain Elementary
Oregon Trail
Paradise Valley
Pine Bluffs Elementary School
Pinedale Elementary School
Prairie Wind Elementary
Pronghorn Elementary
Ralph Witters Elementary
Rawlins Elementary
Rock River Elementary
Rocky Mountain Elementary School
Rossman Elementary
Saddle Ridge Elementary
Sage Elementary
Saratoga Elementary
Shoshoni Elementary
Southside Elementary
Spring Creek Elementary School
St. John Paul II
St. Mary's
Stagecoach Elementary
Sundance Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Ten Sleep School
Thayne Elementary
Tongue River Elementary School
UW Lab
Westridge Elementary
Willow Creek
Wyoming Indian Elementary School
Wyoming Virtual Academy
E-week 2018 Volunteers Across Wyoming
Engineers Day 2017
Governor Mead signs ACEC Proclamation

Engineers Week 2017
Huge Successes!!